HAPPY FINGER Hypnosis . . .
. . . check us out on youtube

We’re back on youtube so be sure to check out my videos at http://www.youtube.com/briandavidphillips for some hypnotic and otherwise fun.

If you haven’t reserved your seats for this weekend’s shows, be sure to do so NOW.  The show on Dec. 7 is RISQUE and in English while the one on Dec. 8 is comedy and in Chinese and English.

As I have said before, we try to mix things up and vary the routines quite a bit from show to show but even when we use the same "gag" the effect is different as this is an audience participation show where it is the reactions of the volunteers that make every show different . . . here are some HAPPY FINGER examples to show just how folks can indeed react differently to the same gag . . .

Happy Finger, 19 Oct. 2007

Happy Finger, 20 Oct. 2007

We’re looking forward to the next set of shows . . . they’re going to be a LOT of fun!

If you haven’t yet contacted the LIve COMEDY CLUB Taipei and reserved your seats, then do so NOW!  Go to http://www.comedy.com.tw/node/127 for the basic info.

All the best,

Sign Up NOW!
Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE!
See http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com for details!

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [phillips@nccu.edu.tw]Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan