Moving Day Cometh!

Moving Finally! We are "officially" moving this Thursday and Friday . . . the trucks will show up Thursday morning while I’m in class and Lorraine will be directing everything. When I get home I will continue to pack, pack, pack, and a furious pace as the trucks are filled.
Thursday is big item move day and Friday is move everything else day.  We’e also moving the piano on Thursday (albeit with professional piano movers).  We moved Kaye’s keyboard already and she packed most of her other instruments earlier (she’s got quite a collection and will finally have space to properly display and care for them – did I mention her new room is huge?).
Friday night will be spent in the new house (albeit, very likely a mess) and the weekend will be spent unpacking, unpacking, and more unpacking.


I’m not looking forward to walking up and down all those stairs everyday but the new place is going to shape up into a nice home for us.

– Brian