More lifesuck . . .
. . . The Joys of Rennovation . . . sucking the life right out of you

Well, more joyful life suckage . . . as per the Joys of Rennovation . . . sucking the life right out of you . . . the recent joy that is the typhoon this past weekend revealed the leaks we’ve been repairing are still leaking and more to deal with. So . . . we can’t move until the carpets are down . . . we can’t put the carpets down until the walls are finished painting . . . we can’t finish the painting until the leaks are fixed . . . and the leaks can’t get fixed until it dries and then it rains to test ’em and then they dry to fix the non-fixes or tweaks . . . so . . . we’re still in f**king limbo paying rent in two places and taking on a large chunk of the rennovations which are now in the area of structural issues and not just cosmetic and it’s all a brainmelting trip to hellishville . . . arrgh! Let’s see, we were originally supposed to move in July . . . then August . . . then September . . . well, it’s October now and every single week that goes by is definately the one we’ll be moving in . . . I’m starting to wonder if we’ll be moving when it hits minus-fifteen degrees in a little place called hell. So many things are on hold until after we move . . . just wondering if we’re actually going to move anytime this century.