Multiple Trancework Approaches to Morbid Obesity . . .
. . . of Dogma, Gurus, and More

In a thread, on the Hypnosis Technique Exchange discussing alternative approaches to obesity, the idea of dogma and gurus and the like filtered into the discussion . . .

I started this thread to expand my repertoire of weight loss approaches, precisely because I don’t wish to limit myself to the teachings of one dogma or guru.

Agreed, multiple tools and an open inquiry into technique is the ideal way to go.  Some of this you will recognize . . . well, most of it . . . thanks for posting that query to the technique exchange, it got some things rolling and I think the discussion in general will be very helpful to a slew of folks.

Personally, for morbid obesity or even other forms of deepset issue transformation, I would suggest using a multi-modal process that piles on several techniques to reinforce one another (make sure you’re using language that implies reinforcement rather than repetition or covering the same ground).  A lot of folks would just use one or two of these but I would rather get in there and clear it all out – obviously, deep trance modality so train responsiveness and imaginative involvement and usually more than one session (albeit, doesn’t have to be many in many cases) . . . I will usually use the following order for deepset work such as morbid obesity . . .

  • Verify Somnambulism
  • Direct Suggestion, Stress Relief, and Esteem Builders (Trance Training, Happy Finger, Name Replacement and the like)
  • Parts Therapy
  • Hypnoanalysis (Regression to ISE with Informed Child resources)
  • Chair/Forgiveness Therapy
  • 3D Mind (AND/or Sigils)
  • Time Line Visualization
  • Accelerated Core Transformation
  • Direct Drive Simple Suggestion
  • Single-Card Tarot Trance (with those who see the cards in my office and are interested)
  • Patter Suggestions
  • Higher Self Visualization
  • Open Imagery and Silent Service

Not just one technique but weave it ALL into one megaprocess so you’re covering all the bases.  In other words, not just one process but everything in the toolbox including the kitchen sink.  If you’ve any questions, just ask.  It looks like a lot but they all can weave seamlessly into one another and can either take a long time or a brief moment or few, depending upon your approach and competence.

Most likely, just the simple change in drinking habits will do wonders with increased activity and boost of desire for green vegetables (he says knowing the theory but refusing to put it into action with himself).  Aaron had some good comments in his post in this thread.  Walking instead of driving.  If it’s only a couple pounds then direct suggestion is likely all the remedy or booster you need.  If it’s morbid obesity then you may want to run the full process above and clear out all that emotional crap – whatever it is, do NOT assume what is behind it but run the process blind and go from there.  Of course, it all depends upon the responsiveness of your client as well . . . some folks find all they need after the first and only session while others may take a bit longer and adaptive strategies or processes.

Of course, you can hedge all you like but I’ve seen you in action and know you can do much more than most folks and have the skills, competence, and knowledge to do it.  It’s been a nice review and there certainly have been some good points made.  Glad you posted the query to stimulate the discussion.

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan