Vibrating Hand Toy

Rex Carson (web) demonstrates his variation of a gag I also do in shows.  My version is a bit different from the way Rex does it but his variation looks like a LOT of fun.  Rex has taken a fairly straightforward "classic" bit and used intelligent and imaginative routining to create a marvelously clever and playful sequence.  I honestly have never seen this bit done in quite this sequence before.  While this is a high school show, the transfer of the vibrating toy to the tongue and then the butt has some potential in many contexts.  Of course, his finale is wonderful but would fall flat here as no one here would know whatever in the world the Pee Wee Herman Dance is, but I think we can come up with other options.  Ormond McGill used to do a straight variation as well and I’ve done the bit with no formal induction but as a suggestibility test and it can really blow folks’ minds (those familiar with my site can find it under imaginative suggestibility games).  It’s a great gag.  I call it the Vibrating Hand Toy when I use it in shows and it is a LOT of fun.  Thanks, Rex, for sharing this!  What fun!

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan

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