Derren Brown’s version of . . .
. . . the “Gypsy Street Hypnosis” Con

My very good friend and fellow trancemaster, A Hypno Goovy Guy (or, David to most of us and Fonteneau to his many many hypnofans), responded to an article I linked to in this post with a video:

You can never go wrong with Derren Brown.  What a wonderful video.

Despite getting associated with the Gypsy Hypnosis stuff . . . in this case, it’s misdirection, confusion, and influence strategies going on (including mirroring, pattern interrupt, handshake interrupt, pacing then leading, and more).  However, do keep in mind that Derren is an entertainer first, a neurolinguist hypnotist third . . . I suspect there’s also a bit of dual reality to the bit as well.  As a covert influence set, it’s a brilliant example of some straightforward trance stuff . . . but, I would bet ice water to fire that there’s more to it than that, at least if Derren’s patterns hold true to his performance philosophy and presentation.

Wonderful piece.

All the best,

Friday the Thirteenth
Comedy HYPNOSIS Show
The Living Room, Taipei – April 13,2007
Hypnosis Shows, Training . . . and MORE!
See for details!

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan

  2 comments for “Derren Brown’s version of . . .
. . . the “Gypsy Street Hypnosis” Con