The Illuminatus! Trilogy

Hail, Eris . . . yesterday’s featured article at widipedia . . . The Illuminatus! Trilogy . . . my all time favorite novel. This is the book that shaped a lot of my earlier thoughts and experiences. Re-read it as a kid while recuperating from major surgery in the hospital and the sequel series Schrodinger’s Cat which may have accounted for some of the early imprinting I had on Asian women (Miss Mao anyone?) or beatufiul babe redheads with green eyes (there’s a weakness). Philosophy, critical thought, ontology, physics, and more hiddend within the pages of fiction. Wrote a treatise and have published a couple papers on James Joyce’s influence on Robert Anton Wilson. Oh . . . a boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim . . . twenty-three skidoo . . . who will help the widow’s son? All Hail Discordia.