More Celebrity Reincarnation Hypnosis . . .

More celebrity pastlife hypnosis in the news . . . this time a book has a whole slew of celebrities pegged for which of their pastlives they are resonant with now . . . Shah Rukh is a reincarnation of a Bengali dancer . . . like the Finklestein statements about the recent "unearthing" of a reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe, see Giving more life to Marilyn, this author also purports to have researched and verified his data scientifically. In the Marilyn case, the reincarnation was "proven" in part because, while hypnotized, the client was able to give information about Marilyn that no one has ever said before, intimate details that only Marilyn could have known and no one else has ever said. Hmmm. Semkiw has likewise verified all of his data in a novel way, he has had the information all checked and authenticated through an Egyptian spirit named Ahtun Re . . . [sarcasm mode on] hmmmmm, I feel so much more sure of it all now. If Ahtun Re says it’s all true, then it must be genuine. [sarcasm mode off]

I folks wonder why I shake my head bemusedly at eighty percent of the pastlife regression hypnotists out there. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE metaphysical hypnosis and I teach it. However, there are still critical mindsets that one really needs to keep with you when doing that sort of thing. Believing everything you imagine in trance is not the healthiest way to approach such material.