TarotL . . . ownership . . .

Things have gotten pretty strange at TarotL, the email discussion list on Tarot that I have been co-moderating for some time. We’ve just had a few upsets and unsettlings and the like as well as controversies galore . . . all of which has been under the onus that the list owner has been missing in action for some time so the moderators have been trying to run things via a consensus model.

Well, a former list owner emailed me that she found the current missing owner. One thing led to another and I am now officially the list owner of the TarotL email list, over two thousand folks united by a common interest in Tarot . . . albeit, sometimes it seems like we’re unified by a common desire to argue about the subject.

In any case, the deed is done and so the position, good or bad, falls to me.

Feel free to join the discussion here.

All the best,