Hypnocast Episode Sixteen . . .
. . . Fairy Dragon Experiential Trance . . .
. . . . . . The Magick Egg

Fairy Dragon Experiential Trance (The Magick Egg) (16:10, 39.3 megs.). In this episode of the Brian David Phillips Hypnocast (audioblog and videoblog podcast) we demonstate a wonderful trance process for somnambulism, suggested visual and kinesthetic hallucination, and positive state anchoring. This week, the Hypnocast is a video. This is a simple explanation and then demonstration of one of my FAVORITE trance processes. The process requires somnambulism and utilizes positive hallucination, tactile sensation, and a number of other experiential hypnosis effects and is a WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE for recreation or even hypnotherapy. I developed the original process when inspired by the short story The Magic Egg by Frank Stockton, the Nineteenth Century writer (Download The_Magic_Egg_by_Frank_Stockton.zip). However, my version is inspired by the story but is very very different and uses the image of a fairy dragon rather than a phoenix and is much more positive in nature. So, the story inspired me for certain elements in my process but the process certainly is not an adaptation, albeit, it is the short story that got me thinking. After the explanation in the hypnocast, there is a demonstration with a trance partner in genuine unrehearsed hypnosis so you can see the process in actual practical application   I have also used this process as one of the bags of tricks used in my Walkabout Trance Street Hypnosis act and have considered adding a variation to my Waking Dreams Hypnosis Show (for both of these, see more information in the category here or go to the "hypnosis show" section of my main webpages at http://www.briandavidphillips.com). Feel free to post positive comments and responses to Life of Brian or Brian David Phillips Waking Dreams. New and past episodes here. Subscription link for your podcatcher here.

Please Note: Some folks have reported problems with streaming the wmv files as well as problems with podcatchers catching the wmv episodes. So, please download the episode manually to your machine for playback. Sorry for the inconvenience (hopefully, this issue can get resolved for future hypnocasts or I will switch to mpg or mp3 completely).