David’s visit . . . good times . . .

My former friend now very very good friend, David Fontenot (aka Fonteneau), a hypnogroovy guy, visited us last week and we had a wonderful time.

While I have known David for some time, this was actually the first time we have met face to face and everything clicked just as we expected it to.  From the sounds of it, it seems we would like most of his friends and certainly all of his family as well.  Kaye is eager for David’s next visit when he will bring his wife and children (Kaye’s new American friends).

David came mostly for my Stage Hypnosis Seminar and was kind enough to sit in as my guest and field any and all questions from the students who found his insights invaluable as he has been doing what they want to do.  For me, the late night discussions (David was our housecaptive, er, houseguest) were wonderful . . . it was soooooo nice getting to sit for long periods discussing hypnosis with another native English speaker but we managed to stray near and far and find that we have a whole slew of common interests and the like (hint, David cosplayed as Mal from Firefly . . . the folks of Casa Phillips love costumes, roleplay, and consider Firefly pretty much one of the greatest television science fiction programs ever even with the weakness in terms of Chinese pronunciation among the actors.  David does magic and Kaye has been studying magic formally.  His kids sound like they have large personality traits and interests in common with Kaye so we’re big time looking forward to their visit.  David’s wife also fits the mix as the things David and I don’t share, his wife and I seem to . . . Lorraine fits in the same way.  So, due to the events and the like of his visit, we’ve upgraded David and Family from Friends to Very Very Good Friends.

I’ve already posted the link to the seminar photos – which are here – but for those of David’s friends snooping around here trying to see the trip photos before he gets home – and I know there are a few of them doing just that, they are here.  David has a bunch of his own as well.  Actually, I didn’t take all that many photos, certainly not of everywhere we went, as we spent a lot of the time just chatting and walking and all that.

All the best,

Photo Notes: One, Brian David Phillips and David Fontenot in front of Chengdu Temple; Two, Lorraine Phillips, Kaye Phillips, and David Fontenot inside the Hall of Buddhas at Chengdu Temple; Three, David Fontenot and Brian David Phillips at Driftwood Restraunt in Taipei.

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