Stage Hypnosis Seminar . . .
. . . quite the hypnotic blast!

Well . . . it was fun, it was informative, it was educational, it was entertaining . . . it was a BLAST! My Introduction to Stage Hypnosis seminar finished late Friday evening after a week of intensive information and training.

We had a great time. The class was five evenings within a week and was intended as an introduction to stage hypnosis. In this session, all of the folks attending were experienced hypnotists (many of whom are well known and highly respected Taiwan-based hypnosis trainers in their own right) which meant we could expand the syllabus a bit to include a lot more information on structure, routining, and the like. One person called it the "most entertaining seminar" she has "ever taken" while another let us know that the course has already improved his own seminars, making them fast-paced, educational, and entertaining. One person has already begun recruiting new students for the next introductory course – which isn’t even on the schedule – in an effort to make ensure there are enough students for an advanced sequence.

We really did have a lot of fun while getting to really tear apart the structure of a good stage hypnosis performance. I honestly didn’t get in as much demonstration and practice as I had originally intended in part because the students were experienced enough that we decided to hammer in as much information as we could within the five day window.

My very good friend, Fonteneau, made a last minute schedule change to join us in Taipei for the seminar and his insights based upon his experience were very very helpful. While I let David jump in anytime he wished during the seminar proper, I also gave him some time on the last day to field questions in a Q and A session where participants were free to throw out any questions they wished. The students loved him . . . of course. He had some very practical and extremely helpful comments that added an additional perspective on the material – albeit, we were often reinforcing one another’s points in that regard.

Martin Chen, a dynamic hypnotist, was kind enough to serve as the assistant for during the course. The official interpreter for the course was my beautiful wife, Lorraine Phillips, who was also the liason for the students as well as the course manager. Lorraine did a wonderful job of interpreting, even when I got so excited about the subject that I began to start ripping ahead at mach speed.

There are a few photos of the seminar here.

While most of my hypnosis and trance workshops and seminars are announced here, you can get the full official schedule on my webpages at under training.

All the best,

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan