Comic Book Bondage Cover of the Day

Yes, you read that right . . . Comic Book Bondage Cover of the Day . . . carries a new scan each day of a comic book cover with a bondage theme . . . well, since these are mainstream comics, they aren’t always intentionally using a bondage them per se, albeit more times than not there is most definately a certain flavor they are after in order to appeal to a response pattern.

The covers range from classic 1940s and earlier Superman covers to more recent pieces. There are mainstream and alternative press covers as well.

Some of the old Warren covers are just beautiful and really capture the theme in an attractive and artistic way while others are just a bit on the dorky, clumsy, side.

In any case, those who like comic books and alternative sexualities will enjoy the site.

All the best,

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– June 5-9, 2006
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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Certified
Executive Director, International Applied Experiential
Trance Society
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan