Bring Your Husband to Heel

The television program Bring Your Husband to Heel has pissed off a lot of men and enamoured a lot of women (who would be equally pissed off if it were about training wives) . . . but the program seems to be just the sort of thing I would be interested in.

Basically, each week a woman goes to a lady dog trainer who discusses the woman’s husband’s various "behavioral issues" (bad habits or stressors) while showing her how to train a dog through various behavioral techniques. The dog trainer will then discuss with the woman how she can "train" her husband using similar techniques. The wife will then go home and put what she’s learned in action, secretly "training" her unsuspecting and unknowing husband using behavioral modification techniques learned from the dog lady. There are hidden cameras everywhere to catch the process.

For instance, one lady is upset that her husband spends too much time on computer games and not enough time with her. However, we learn that he also loves good food. Really loves good food. So, the dog lady suggests that whenever he is on the PC playing a computer game that the wife cook something particularly delicious so that the smell of the food and the opportunity to eat it with her will lure him away from the computer and he will spend more time with the wife and away from the games. It works and over time the husband begins spending a lot less time on his computer and more with the wife.

I hadn’t heard of this program before but my wife saw the reference here and asked if I could track it down (no, she’s not looking to apply the show’s hidden secrets on me . . . at least I don’t think she is) . . . I too would like to see the program as influence and training are part of my "thing" as it were. Other references here, here, and here.

Anyone know where one can find this six part series from the BBC of Bring Your Husband to Heel in which a female dog trainer teaches conditioning tecchniques commonly used by animal trainers (positive reinforcement and the like) to wives who then apply them on their husbands without the husbands’ knowledge (filmed with secret cameras, it’s a reality program). I haven’t been able to find any DVD purchase info and it doesn’t seem to be available online in any of the places I might normally find television programs (legitimate or otherwise) but the show premise sounds very much up our alley here.

In addition to the various hypnosis and trancework I am involved with, I also teach influence at the university and standard clicker training is one of the demonstration bits I use. Any help finding more on the program (it was not aired in this neck of the woods) and most especially tracking down actual copies would be very appreciated. If anyone has copies they would like to trade for something in my archive, let me know via private email.

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan