Lindsay Lohan as Sailor Moon . . .
. . . Joss Whedon to direct

I remember way back when . . . my daughter Kaye as a preschooler loved watching Sailor Moon despite the freakish ideas the show was trying to pump into little girls heads . . . notice that the Sailor Scouts were always getting their asses kicked by these sexy babe villains or gayish villains and it was only when Tuxedo Mask showed up to save them that they could gather strength to do some ass-kicking . . . Barbie weirdness with super powers. Speaking of Barbie, Lorraine and I swore when we were pregnant (actually, Lorraine was pregnant but I was participant guy) that we would never buy Kaye a Barbie as the doll tends to reinforce a whole slew of outmoded stereotypes . . . go figure, she demanded the dolls herself and pink was her favorite color at the time . . . well . . . anywho, it looks like Lindsay Lohan (one of Kaye’s current favorite actress-singers) may be playing Sailor Moon for the screen and everyone’s favorite Firefly piloting vampire staker, Joss Whedon, may be set to direct . . . Lindsay Lohan as Sailor Moon . . . who woulda thunk it?

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. . . Joss Whedon to direct