Lorraine goes a’ bloggin’

Well . . . this is nice . . . a new addition to the very important places links . . . a new blog from my very beautiful and incredibly wonderful wife . . . Lorraine . . . she just sent me the link and started this puppy up in part as a forum to post about movies and also to post idjit cat photos . . . give her some time to figure out how to run the thing as the interface is new to her and since she’s using a Chinese server, I am of no use to her in terms of what this or that means. I can use typepad and blogger with no worries but am unfamiliar with the system she signed up with. Note, the image she starts with is an old photo of our daughter, one of my very favorite photos of Kaye from way back. That was the destop for my computer for a number of years and is still a family favorite. No, that was not her can of Pepsi . . . she was trying to borrow Daddy’s drink before he could get it back from her. Lorraine, welcome to the world of blogging . . . I love you.