Defending Marriage?

Well, it looks like we can expect a Our Sunday VisitorSame-sex marriage showdown in U.S. Senate and it looks like they’re linking it to the polygamy debate.

Defending marriage through a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as one man and one woman. How about defending marriage by letting folks who love each other have legal unions and encouraging those who enter into a formal marriage to stay together through good marriage relationships and practice? The divorce rate is sky high . . . not because of gays or poly folks but because of other cultural factors.

The United States pretends to be a monogamist culture but in actual fact it is a serial monogamous culture (a form of polygamy where folks have multiple spouses one at a time through a lifetime). Extramarital affairs and the premarital relationships have always been quite common in the US. However, some folks who wish to dictate how others live and what their orientations should be are tryng to put a whole slew of round pegs into a single warped square hole. We don’t all fit . . . but we all should have rights.

Religious doctrine should not dictate legal definitions of relationships.

Let the gays marry and let poly folks formalize their unions. It does not spread corruption but actually increases a sense of opportunity, freedom, equality, and justice as well as give folks more positive options and models to work from.

In my opinion. If you disagree, fine. However, in my heart, this is my belief and I believe it to be a good one.