hypnosis cures reporter of rodent fear, sweet tooth

Georgette Braun recounts her personal positive experience in hypnosis cures reporter of rodent fear, sweet tooth . . .

Just the thought of prickly little rodent feet crawling up my arm creeped me out for years. It stemmed from my dislike of the hamsters my daughters had when they were young. The critters were noisy at night. Their cages weren’t clean enough. And once, when one got loose, I tried to put it back in its enclosure. But it squirmed out of my hands, leaving the feeling of its pointy, little feet against my skin imprinted in my mind. I mentioned my phobia to Jim Ryan while interviewing him about hypnosis in the entertainment and health fields. Ryan, a social worker and certified hypnotist, invited me to his Rockford office to see if he could rid me of my fear. He accepted, and he worked his magic. I don’t mean that in a hocus-pocus, bad way. I mean that what he did enabled me to hold a colleague’s guinea pig in my hands a few days later without freaking out — though I was startled when the animal gave me what its owner called a “love nip.” Being able to hold a rodent wasn’t the most positive effect of my hypnosis, though. Since Ryan put me in a trance-like condition for 10 minutes two weeks ago, I haven’t eaten candy, cookies, cake, doughnuts or other sweets that for years had been part of my daily diet. I’m eating way more salads and vegetables. And I’m walking a half an hour on the treadmill almost every day. Here’s how it all happened Feb. 23, when I sat down on the red couch in Ryan’s office.

This is a pretty straightforward case history via first person account. It is also not particularly exceptional as many people find they are helped for similar and much more powerful results . . . as a matter of routine when employing hypnosis or certain other focused trance techniques.

If you would like to know more, see my webpages at http://www.briandavidphillips.com. If you are in or around the Taipei area and would like to give hypnosis a go, feel free to contact me for an appointment.

All the best,