Kool . . . Karl . . .
. . . howdy and all that!

While wondering the halls of NTU during the Cosplay this weekend, I turned a corner and heard a mysterious voice say Brian David Phillips . . . had to check and see if it was inside my head or outside and lo and behold there was Karl of Chewin’ in the Chung sayin’ howdy! Now, while I read his blog pretty regularly, I’ve never met Karl in the flesh before, although I know we are on a few of the same email lists. For those who don’t know, Karl looks a hell of a lot better in person than he does in his profile photo on his blog. We’re talkin’ megabetter. Also, the guy is tall . . . not regular tall . . . but damn, this dude makes me look like a small fat hobbit tall . . . we’re not talkin’ Gimli dwarfish feelings, but full-on I feel like Frodo’s shorter cousin twice removed type stuff. In any case, Karl was up for a chess tournament which I assume we will read about on his blog – with the truth appropriately colored – and saw some of the cosplayers walkin’ about unattended so he slipped over to the event to see what was happening. I had Kaye and Susan in tow sans Lorraine and he needed to get back to his own better half so we didn’t chat long, just a Tralfamadorian type greeting of hello-goodbye . . . but it was real nice to put an in-person face to the name. No photos from the cosplay event today, wait until it’s all over and processed, we’re going back tomorrow and I will take more (took over three hundred stereophotos today with my new 3D rig so we’ll see how the new setup compares to the old . . . so far, I like it a lot). The kids will be in costume on Sunday as well.