Polar Express in IMAX . . .
. . . milk that train

Looks like The Polar Express in IMAX 3D Returns This Holiday Season for an Exclusive IMAX-Only Engagement . . . as a special event only in IMAX milking that cow once again and getting on the milktrain . . . sure, it’s an incredible experience in IMAX in 3D but it feels a little early for “special event” promotions. Why not just spell it out . . . “we made a lot of movie with this on IMAX 3D screens last year and we don’t have any other big budged 3D features for IMAX this year so the screens are pretty much just showing the same ol’ fare anyway so why not just milk this one againd and hopefully remind folks that IMAX 3D is huge and perhaps get them thinking it’s a better experience than that thing with the little chicken or some such thing.” Competing formats, milking that dollar. Guys, how about making new content, good content not just thrown together pap, instead of rehashing stuff we’ve already seen. Don’t get me wrong, I think Polar Express is an awesome 3D experience and much better that way at IMAX then on the new DVD which is flat or other smaller flat screens, but I also want more new content. They say Polar Express is the first major feature converted to IMAX 3D . . . uh, isn’t it still the only one. How about some more big kool titles under our belt before reviving or celebrating the first. This so-called celebration just reinforces that they didn’t do anything new and original rather than gets me all nostalgic to see it again (albeit, we probably will see it again . . . 3D enthusiasts that we be).