Andy Carvin gets punched in the face . . .
. . . and likes it

Andy Carvin describes his experience with an autostereoscopic display and a boxing demo . . . Coming Soon: Godzilla in 3D! . . . clever post . . . I am intriguided by the idea of the screen scanning and tracking eye position to project the stereoscopic vision . . . I have not seen any technology for that sort of display. Most autostereoscopic displays use some variation on lenticular screens which are passive and stationary which means they need a sweet spot. A number of the current autostereoscopic displays have multiple sweet spots so more than one person can view the 3D video but most are still very problematic. I would imagine an active system would be very difficult to manage that way and would have to have high costs. Of course, just like the man behind the curtain, the Wizard may be more illusion and hopeful thinking than technology at this point. I’ve no doubt that we will see at least one 3D Godzilla within the next ten years, either a conversion of an older piece or a new film. There is a lot going on with 3D movies of late so the chances are pretty good on that score. Of course, since King Kong is going to be in 3D as well (the conversion is already underway), any Godzilla is going to have to compete with the ultra realistic images in the Peter Jackson film.