Taiwan . . . high on vibrators, low on sex

The China Post reports that according to a respectable survey, Taiwanese have more vibrators per capita than other countries but has less sex than most . . .

Survey shows that Taiwan adults love sexual aids most in the world . . . Believe it or not, men and women in Taiwan love sexual aids more than their opposite numbers the world over. According to a global sex survey by Durex of England released yesterday, almost one out of every two adults in Taiwan use a vibrator for enjoyment of sex, setting the world record. Durex polled 317,000 people in 41 countries across the world for its 2005 survey. Altogether 2,400 people in Taiwan responded. Altogether 47 percent of the respondents in Taiwan say they use the vibrator, far higher than the world average of 22 percent. Asked if they desire to use sexual aids to prolong their enjoyment of sex, one out of every five respondents in Taiwan, or 21 percent, reply in the affirmative, another world record with the global average at a mere seven percent. Use of fancy condoms? Four out of every ten men in Taiwan love to use them. They are just next to their counterparts in Bulgaria, of whom half are regular users. As regards reading of pornography, people in Taiwan rank third in the world. Altogether 57 percent of the respondents admit their read pornography to help enjoy sex. But in actual love-making, people in Taiwan rank eighth from the bottom. They make love only 88 times a year, or once every four days, much lower than the world average of 103. Greeks top the list with 138 times. Japanese are at the bottom with a mere 45.

Actually, 103 sounds pretty low to me.

Of course, there are very powerful and very worthwhile ways to help folks enjoy sex without the mechanical aids . . . although mechanical enhancements can be nice as long as they are not considered a substitute for technique and intimacy.  See the full Durex Survey results here.