Hypnosis Good Before Surgery . . .

A small study out of Yale University has found Hypnosis Good Before Surgery.

The study was specifically to test the effects of hypnosis for stress and anxiety levels right before outpatient surgery. They used a forty-five minute session for stress reduction and found that anxiety and stress levels for those who went through the process were sixty-eight percent lower after the hypnosis. The focus on anxiety was because researchers have found that it is important to lower anxiety levels because anxiety has been linked to increased need for painkillers, longer hospitalization, and slower healing rates. The process tested was a straightfoward progressive relaxation induction with suggestive therapy for relaxation and a sense of well-being.

While this study is very encouraging, it should be noted that other more directive and poweful hypnotic processes have been found to be very very helpful in terms of pain relief (some folks have had major surgery with no chemical pain relief, relying only on hypnotic suggestion, although I would suggest using the hypnosis to supplement qualified competent medical care), symptom reduction, increased healing, and more.

There is a very powerful mind-body connection that extends well into what used to be considered the realm of the faith healer, the snake oil salesman, and the namby pamby fuzzy thinkin’ crystal wearin’ tree-huggers . . . it turns out that some of that fuzzy thinking may not be so fuzzy after all as more studies show conclusively that focused trance can help achieve some very powerful healing effects.

Please use hypnosis or other focused trance methods for medical issues purely as a supplement to medical treatment, never as a replacement of competent qualified medical advice.

All the best,