I’m a Tired Puppy

Just got home from what was essentially a long afternoon . . . really long . . . because of my background in theatre, I was asked to give a presentation to a group of high school teachers in Shilin about educational drama and preparing for short play competitions . . . once it got out that I would be doing that talk, another group asked if I could do a similar talk for another larger group in Nankang. Ended up rushing to get too and from locations as one talk ended and I only had thirty minutes to ferry my behind to the next one. Everything went very well and I made it . . . huffing and puffing for lungfulls of air, but I made it. Now I’m home and kind of beat . . . in a good way. They’re good folks and really could use the guidance from folks with experience in this sort of thing. I am told the audiences both received the talks well . . . I just hope they were of some help as they prepare their kids for this year’s competition. It was a fun but exhausting day.