Wasting Time . . . Big Ell knows porn

Big Ell knows a lot about porn . . . Big Ell’s Blog: Wasting Time . . . although I’m not convinced it’s all from “past experience” as in “I used to watch a lot of porn but now that I’m married, I just surf the web” . . . yeah, right . . . I’m married too . . . once porn is in your blood, it stays there . . . getting married either gives you someone to watch it with or someone to hide your watching it from. 🙂

Really good post.

My mom gave me a subscription to Playboy when I was a kid too . . . actually read the articles and learned a lot of valuable stuff . . . I would strongly suggest I knew a lot more about the things kids should know than my classmates who were getting all sorts of backasswards ideas into their knoggins from the street. I also strongly believe that kids who get proper knowledge about sex are less likely to have problems later.