Adding New Hypnocasts

Seek ye and ye shall find.

Regular readers will notice a number of additions to the hypnocast list in the right side bar here at Life of Brian. Now that my own hypnocast (hypnosis + podcast = hypnocast) is now underway and going strong, I have turned my attention to finding other podcasts or audioblogs related to hypnosis, trance, or the like as well as encouraging others to give it a go.

Well, the folks on the right have audioblogs or podcasts in some way related to trancey subjects ranging anywhere from hypnotherapy to hypnosis to NLP to using influence and suggestion in seduction.

Here is the current list for your amusement and edification:

That’s the list for now . . . I will warn you that while some of these are extremely interesting and well put together . . . others . . . are . . . well less so . . . at a perhaps what one might consider a grand scale of suck. When I get a longer list . . . and it is likely to grow in a similar fashion to the hypnoblog list . . . I will delete the ones that don’t update or that are basically just advertising fronts with no advertising and the ones that just plain suck.

Do note that while most of these have feeds that you can add to your podcatcher or aggregator, a number are just based upon less interactive manual mp3 download.

I hope this has been helpful . . . if you know of others that might be useful additions, let me know and I will add ’em to the list.

All the best,

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