You wanna play a game?

I don’t know about you good folks . . . but when I was a young boy back when dinosaurs walked the Earth, we had a game that the big kids would trick the little kids into playing . . . “let’s see who can slap the other person the lightest, you go first” and the little kid would slowly mime hitting but so slowly and so very gently just barely tap oh so slightly the older kid who would then swing as fast and as hard as kidpossible and whale a nasty hard slap right on the little kid’s face then laugh and shout “you win!” as the little kid’s knees buckle and the little kid screams in agony, shame, and just plain ol’ humiliated pissedoffedness. Well . . . it looks like Japanese women have discovered a slap happy variation of the same game . . . except this time around they don’t bother to see who can slap lightest but escalate into slapping harder and harder until someone starts crying. This video doesn’t show how high it can escalate but there are versions out there somewhere whose links I have lost where some real bawling comes out . . . yep, a sensible past time for adult women. I just wish they’d go back to the Ugly George style antics or the girl kissing girl challenges from a few months back. I’m not so much into the hate and violence and am more of a love kind of a guy when it comes down to it. Oh, you wanna play a game?