Monthly Archives: June 2005

Smoking Causes Premature Aging and DNA Damage . . .
. . . more incentive to quite

A recent British study conclusively proves that smoking causes premature aging. This is not simply anecdotal experience but measured both subjectively and objectively. There is tracked and obvious DNA damage caused by smoking. The DNA damage is less for exsmokers than for current smokers so there are reasons to quit. There is similar damage to…

Taipei Hypnosis Workshop Meeting . . .
(approaches to energizing (anchoring) objects with state resources)

On 10 July 2005, the Taipei Experimental Hypnosis Workshop will have a meeting. This month’s topic is HYPNOTIC TALISMANS (approaches to energizing (anchoring) objects with state resources). If you live in these parts and would like to join us, contact me. The Taipei Experimental Hypnosis and Trancework Workshop is the largest English-language hypnosis practice group…

Derren Brown . . .
. . . of tranceplay zombies, trance, and hyperexperiences

On the Hypnosis Technique Exchange email discussion list, I asked a question about Derren Brown that wasn’t really hypnosis related . . . except that he uses trance language as misdirection for his magical effects . . . but, I wanted to know if anyone knew of a site with a good episode guide for…

Same Sex Marriage equals STD Drop . . .
. . . Syphilis Rates Drop in Countries with Gay Marriage Laws

This is interesting and a half . . . Syphilis Rates Drop in Countries with Gay Marriage Laws: Data from Europe suggests that national recognition of same-sex partnerships leads to significant reductions in syphilis rates, according to a new study by a Swarthmore College economist. “The evidence shows these laws could dramatically reduce risky sexual…

Image Meme

Snarfed from A HypnoGroovy Guy’s Journal . . . 1. Think of the first word that comes to mind when you think of me. 2. Do an Image Google Search and search for that word. 3. Reply to this post with one of the pictures on the first page of results — don’t tell me…

Threesomes OKAY Within a Christian Marriage

This almost makes me wish I were still a Christian . . . Threesomes Within a Christian Marriage . . . almost, but not really, not at all. Interesting argumentation and some of it is actually correct (my rather antiquated religious studies minor kicking in for a moment there).