Betelnut Beauties Revisited . . .
. . . driveby shooting, more blur, more beauties

Well, as you know, my family and I took a short Spring Break trip to Taichung the past couple days . . . and you all know what that means . . . more Betelnut Beauties . . . continuing Life of Brian‘s ongoing homage to the roadside seller of betelnuts, fashion sense, great costumes, beauty, and blurry driveby photography.

Betelnut Beauties are a phenomenon in Taiwan whereby roadside betelnut hawkers have discovered that if you dress the salesgirls in sexy costumes . . . sometimes ultra sexy costumes . . . then sales go up. Go figure.

One of my Taiwan-specific hobbies is to build my collection of driveby photos of various betelnut girls on our assorted trips throughout the island. Some locals have looser clothing guidelines than others. Some are downright unclothed.

Typically, Lorraine drives the car and I sit in the passneger’s seat with camera ready. All of the photos in the collection are drivebys from a moving vehicle (no stopping in traffic) so its an adventure in blurriness and fun.

See the complete collection as it grows here in my Fotki pages.

The various posts are also in the new Betelnut Beauties category here.