Have a Laugh!
it’s good for your heart

This should not come as a big shocker to anyone, but laughter boosts blood vessels.

Basically, a recent study has shown that people who are stressed are causing damage to their heart and arteries but those who were shown a funny film that caused laughter had less stress and therefore less damage but there were also some more pressing good effects.

So . . . exercise and laughter are very good things. Duh.

This is old knowledge, we’ve all known it for some time but it’s nice to see it quantified. Robert Anton Wilson has been writing about this for years but here we finally have some data that backs it up . . . albeit less conclusively than is likely to emerge.

The mind-body connection is the real deal. Pessimists do have more health problems and optimists do live longer. There are some very real causal links between outlook and health.

So . . . if you want to live longer, stop worrying and start enjoying life.

This is another reason positive association work is important for hypnotists. If you would like to try something out that creates positive associations, check out the Color Purple DRTRC MP3 file on my site or any of the other pieces that condition positive emotions. If you’re having a bit of stress, the Garbage Can guided imagery MP3 file might prove to be helpful as well. Or, better yet, contact me and schedule a full live hypnosis or focused trance session to help you install happy thoughts or laughter. It’ll do you some good.