Wild Divine . . .
. . . kooooooooool, meditative gaming . . .

Speaking of trance games . . . Wild Divine . . . most awfully koolness . . . anyone someone . . . please feel free to buy me one of these sets and send it my way . . . biofeedback, visualization, guided imagery, meditation, trance, and gaming . . . it just don’t get better than that . . . oh, well, it could . . . but this is still pretty damned interesting and I’m not kidding about the covetnous in my tone . . . this is something I would love to have.

Back when I was in Pittsburg doing my MA in Communication/Theatre, I went through a rough patch where stress of life, love, relationships (really lack of) was getting to me big time, not just a little but a whole bucketful of muchness . . . and when I went to the campus councelling office, they hooked me up to a biofeedback machine and a primitive monitor where I had to listen to autogenic relaxation recordings and watch a balloon go up and down and try to imagine making the balloon go up or down as it was connected to the biofeedback rig measuring my heartrate and relaxation (lack of, really). That’s the first time I REALLY learned to relax, despite all my background and study in trance states.

It would be most kool to give the balloons in the Wild Divine a go. Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston, and some other folks who I respect quite much are associated with the project as well.

This is most not unkool.

  1 comment for “Wild Divine . . .
. . . kooooooooool, meditative gaming . . .