Breasts, Breasts, Breasts . . .
Mother Daughter Breast Jobs?

Okay . . . this is just wrong at so many levels . . . Japanese girls having breast jobs with their mothers.

Teenage girls should not be having breast augmentation surgery as their breasts have not stopped growing . . . they should let them grow to their natural size first before attempting any augmentation programs . . . especially those requiring surgical intervention.

Mothers should not be encouraging their daughters to have inferiority complexes about their breast size.

Fat injections don’t last as long . . . eventually, it gets absorbed into the tissue.

The first intervention should not be surgical . . . or even alteration programs, it should be working on self-esteem and the like. A woman doesn’t NEED big breasts to be beautiful . . . don’t get me wrong, I LOVE breasts, but a woman’s beauty should come from more than her chest.

If . . . after appropriate therapeutic or esteem work . . . a woman decides to seek breast enhancement, there are safer methods than surgery (which still has risks – including a chance of accidental death or dismermberment).

Regular readers here know that I am an advocate of more holistic approaches, particularly the hypnotic approach (yes, it REALLY DOES WORK for a lot of women).

See . . .

If you are in Taipei, and would like to give guided imagery and hypnotic work for breast enhancement a go, feel free to email me at You can also feel free to check my webpages at as within the next two months, I will have a bona fide breast enhancement audio CD program available based upon a system I have developed that has proven effective for many women (the system is based upon several solid research studies on the subject as well as upon personal experience with many women who have participated in my own research program over the years). Notice that I did not say breast enlargment but breast enhancement as the program not only works on size issues but also firming, shape, and whole body image. This stuff really does work!

All the best,

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Mother Daughter Breast Jobs?