erotic hypnosis and hypnotic identity . . .
. . . Multiple Markets, Multiple Identities . . .
. . . . . . when good hypnotists hide their light under a bushel . . .

Normally, I don’t do a lot of revisiting posts or editing them. Typically, if I have something new to say on a subject, I will create a new post with a link to the original post. However, I have re-edited an earlier post . . . extensively due to the very polite request of the hypnotist under discussion . . . in the original version of the post, I used the name of the hypnotist with direct links to his erotic and non-erotic sites and to sites of models that have worked with him . . . a puzzle piece collection. He emailed me privately and very politely asked if I wouldn’t mind dropping those particular references from the piece . . . in the current climate in the US, he has found that he needs to keep the two markets divided even more. While I disagree with the conclusion on philosophical grounds that for those of us who are congruent with what we do to someone feel that we must hide it because there are those in our free society who disagree with our perfectly legal actions and value sets so we don’t get our heads chopped, I can see the practical value as to why some folks feel they need to hide their true identities. Sad state of affairs when folks have to hide who and what they are when they are behaving in a perferctly legal and legitimate manner out of fear of political, economic, or worse consequences to be imposed by a group that we have granted power over our lives who in fact do not represent the morality or values of the majority. We fear being labeled immoral or big-ender to such a degree that we’ve ceded complete control over our lives to the small-minded prejudiced little-enders. Instead of recognizing that our values and interests are well within normalcy and celebrating our differences, we hide as if we feel shame and allow our rather round selves to be boxed and squashed into small square containers. C’est la vie. Of course, the little-enders do have a point . . . certainly we should be careful about who we expose our children to for say a high school hypnosis program in that no one should be doing that sort of an adult-oriented show for high schoolers anyway but that isn’t what is happening. Folks who segregate their market and who do age-appropriate entertainment feel they have to hide their body of work from the knowledge of others simply for fear that when the little-enders find out they’ve done anything like that within even an appropriate context they will be censured and lose everything. That’s where the conclusions are wrong. By allowing the little-enders to censure us in this way where we are moderating our lives to suit their needs and values, we’ve somehow lost the very essence of what it means to be different. We’ve allowed them to create an inappropriate sense of shame in us for something that should not in any way elicit those feelings. In that case, they’ve won the war and we didn’t even put up a struggle let alone fight the battle that should have been fought.

In any case, out of respect to the fellow whose work I do admire, I have removed the citations.

Actually, it’s not really a matter of outing him or anything like that. He’s respected in both areas and has done some nice work. It’s really a matter of segregating markets. It makes a certain amount of sense to keep the items on different sites.

Sites that offer erotic hypnosis materials cater to particular segments of a very large market while hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis sites cater to other segments of the market, market segments that are for the most part exclusive of one another . . . and, unfortunately . . . some of the folks making decisions about a person’s standing in the community or value of services or even ability to even conduct business in multiple markets will not just ignore but actively seek to destroy one’s opportunities to prosper if they believe your work in other independant markets exist merely upon their very misguided and rather prejudicial take of the morality of that work regardless of legality of that work or its’s adult and consensual nature.

Of course, the hypnotist I discussed earlier is not the only respected showman or hypnosis trainer to dabble in the erotic field. Despite certain groups pretending it doesn’t exist or endeavoring to sweep it under the carpet, it’s a pretty big part of hypnosis. Go figure. Let me put it this way . . . I like sex, I don’t mind going on the record saying that . . . I also like hypnosis, I certainly don’t mind going on the record saying that . . . so, it isn’t much of a no-brainer to figure out that the two together might also seem like a good idea to some folks but it seems a lot of folks are now frightened of going on the record saying that . . . well . . . ON THE RECORD . . . I love hypnosis, I love sex, and I love sexual hypnosis . . . there, that wasn’t so hard . . . I certainly think it’s a great idea for consenting adults in an appropriate context. Unfortunately, there are plenty of folks who would disagree with me, disagree to the extent that they feel all such activity, regardless of context should not be allowed or that anyone who engages in such activity should be run over this or that barrel . . . to the extent that many folks who engage in perfectly legitimate and legal hypnotic entertainment of that type feel they need to either hide their identities or, even worse, feel actual shame for their interest and vocation.

The majority of so-called hypnofetish or erotic hypnosis entertainment is done under a pseudonym or anonymously (em>just so you know . . . most of the links in this piece may not be particularly appropriate or safe for work so viewer discretion is strongly advised). Sites like Hypnovideo and Entrancement Video use the same hypnotist but avoid using his name. The Deep Trances and similar sites use a common model. There is an up-and-coming trainer who briefly sold erotic hypnosis videos under the moniker Dr. Lovecraft who seemed to pretend he had nothing to do with the pieces (he kept well off-screen during the videos but his voice is unmistakeable and there was one shot where very briefly you could see his face, albeit partially obscured by the subject’s head, and since the videos were sold through the same vendor as his therapy training videos, it seems a bit much to try to conceal who he was when it was so obvious). Others in the market have been more successful at keeping their identities hidden and their identity divided by market such as the fellow at Hypnogirls who never appears on camera. And still others allow their identities to mix in both markets such as the folks at Volunteer HypnoChicks and the Hypnosis Office. My friend at Hypnosis Fetish has posted his name and his attitude that he believes folks should stand by their work on his forum a number of times and I respect that a great deal. Even someone as greatly respected as Ormond McGill, the "dean of American hypnotists," wrote and sold a now infamous "how to get girls with hypnosis" pamphlet way back in the 1950s. Heck, see my chapter on romantic/erotic hypnosis love letters in Wendi Friesen’s book . . . albeit, I don’t hide my name when I create material of that sort and my audience is healthy happy folks in adult relationships . . . and regular readers of this blog are familiar with my umpteen million posts on sexuality and hypnosis in a consensual adult context which seem to fascinate some and offend a bit more than it should others.

Of course, one problem for hypnotists trying to keep their erotic or hypnosis fetish type work distinct and separate from their more vanilla traditional bread-and-butter work is that there is always a paper trail. For instance, if you use professional models, then the agency may have a listing of clients online or the like with names listed. Or, in one case, a model had a blog where she talked about the experience of working for an erotic hypnotist and mentioned real names.

By the way, if anyone wants to buy a slew of these videos and send them to me, please feel free. I’ll take whatever you want to send. I prefer DVDs, but if you’re buying, I’ll take anything and everything. I kid you not. Good stuff.

  1 comment for “erotic hypnosis and hypnotic identity . . .
. . . Multiple Markets, Multiple Identities . . .
. . . . . . when good hypnotists hide their light under a bushel . . .