Being Stroked Calms Stressed Women Down

Okay . . . this is worthwhile to know . . . Being Stroked Calms Stressed Women Down . . .

Scientists say that an affectionate stroke of the back or neck may be of far more benefit to your beloved than other forms of relaxation, such as being left in peace in a foam-filled bath. Caressing a woman – and it is only women, not men, who benefit – in a non-sexual way can lower her blood pressure as much as a dose of prescription drugs. Researchers believe regular stroking may soon be viewed as a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, as popular as stress-busting aromatherapy and massage. It has long been acknowledged that stroking a dog or cat – what zoologist and people watcher Desmond Morris calls an outlet for ‘practical and comforting ancient primate grooming urges’ – can lower its owner’s blood pressure. But new research suggests the one receiving the petting – in ancient times, the ape having its fleas removed – can benefit even more. While stroking has no perceptible effect on a man’s blood pressure, gently touching a woman can enhance a relationship simply by reducing a woman’s stress levels. Experts studied 59 heterosexual couples, and say it works best if it is not part of any sexual activity, as sex can raise blood pressure. In experiments at a US university, the woman was asked to sit in a ‘loveseat’ for 10 minutes while she watched a clip of a romantic movie and her partner stroked her hands, neck or back. The woman’s blood pressure was measured before and after and it was found that stroking stimulated the brain to secrete a chemical called oxytocin which slows the heart down. On average, the women in the study produced 20% more oxytocin, a calming hormone, after the stroking. Men did not show any oxytocin increase after similar contact, suggesting testosterone may blunt the hormone’s effects. Kathleen Light, a psychiatry professor at the University of North Carolina’s school of medicine, which led the research, said, ‘It is a new finding for humans. When a man strokes or hugs his partner it seems to stimulate an increase in levels of oxytocin which tends to lower blood pressure.’ The team found the benefit of stroking was far higher than holding hands, lying together or maintaining eye contact.

Read the full article of the stuff on alternative therapies and touch. It is interesting that the benefits are for women rather than men. For men, stroking has a sexual connotation while for women the other factors help with stress reduction and emotional bonding . . . albeit, men get good things out of stroking as well, just not the same.

So . . . touch your lover, it’s good for ’em.

All the best,