Learning Self-Hypnosis

As to a recent question on learning self-hypnosis and the nature of the process.

Self-hypnosis in and of itself is an interesting animal. Some folks are just naturally gifted at trance thought and so they have no difficulty at all getting “there” . . . wherever “there” or “here” really are.

However, anyone and everyone can learn to reach state more reliably through face-to-face hypnosis sessions with a real-life honest-to-goodness qualified competent hypnotist. A hypnotist can work the feedback loop and adapt the approach to an induction that is appropriate to you. If there is someone near you who is experienced and competent, then go in and do a simple session for relaxation and ask that person to give you a reliable post-hypnotic trigger for entering state again on your own. Gerry Kein’s “light switch” induction is a wonderful self-hypnosis process (uses an Elman followed by a deepening process and the light switch metaphor for re-entering state very reliably).

If you don’t have access to a real life hypnotist, then recordings may work. There are a number of them out there, both the kind you buy and some free material out there.

If you want to give a deep relaxation trigger response conditioning process a go, I have some nice conditioning files on my site at http://www.briandavidphillips.com . . . you will note that the primary conditioning file is quite long, that’s because it uses a number of processes to increase the likelihood of trance depth followed with some very specific trigger-based trance conditioning. Use the calendar file also on that page to keep track of your progress.

If you use any of my material, please drop me a line and let me know how it works for you, I provide these for free as part of my educational resources program so I do appreciate the feedback. I use the same system with students for language apprehension as well as specific skill improvement to very good effect. For clients, I use a similar process for generalized trance conditioning and relaxation stress-reduction protocols.

In any case, when listening to files or even doing face-to-face hypnosis, it’s important to concentrate on the suggestions and to FOLLOW ALONG with them. Don’t just passively listen, you need to focus on the sensations and make certain that you REALLY FEEL them. Hook your imagination into the experiences and make sure you imagine as vividly as you can. Don’t try to do it, but actually do it and really FEEL the sensations. It sounds a little off to some folks when they first give it a go, but you will find that with practice it comes more easily and then you’re an old hand.

Engage your imagination and playfully play along with the experience. Just like when you were a little boy and could play for hours pretending to be this or that until sometimes you actually felt like you were somewhere else, so do we playfully engage that powerful imagination in trance states. Enjoy it, let go, and imagine.

When you hypnotist says . . . breathe in, breathe out, and relax . . . really FEEL as if your mind and body are relaxing down down down with each and every breath out. Engage that imagination and let it soar. A very very important aspect of any hypnosis, self, auto, or hetero, is imaginative involvement . . . no one can force you or trick you into engaging that imagination, you need to let go and PLAY.

Please keep us posted on your progress . . . and your ENJOYMENT of the process.

All the best,