Female Pleasure

Someone’s asking about Female Pleasure and the function of the orgasm.

Orgasm and Climax are not actually the same thing. It is possible to have one without the other, albeit in males they are almost always together.

The neat thing about orgasm is that it isn’t merely a physical phenomenon. It has very real mental and emotional elements. A great deal of the orgasm occurs in the mind . . . don’t believe me? see Why an Orgasm Really is All in the Mind . . . this seems to be especially true for women who either have a biological imperative or cultural conditioning for bonding in relationship to sexuality.

Part of having great sex as opposed to just plain ol’ good sex is creating an emotional connection which corresponds to imaginative involvement. Once that occurs, then orgasm doesn’t even require physical stimulation. Plenty of women can achieve orgasm through emotional or imaginational stimulation alone. Of this I know whereof I speak . . . see the slew of posts on this topic at https://briandavidphillips.net/hypnosis_erotic_and_sexual/index.html. The Feel the Glow and Color Purple MP3s on my Deep Relaxation Trigger Response Conditioning site demonstrate part of the principle (albeit, in a very vanilla fashion).

All the best,

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