IBS and Hypnosis

Light at the End of the Tunnel For Millions Living With IBS – New Protocol Wins Pen and Quill Award . . . Irritable Bowel Syndrome may not be a household term, but a lot more people suffer from it than you might realize.

Michael Ellner is the recipient of the prestigious "Pen and Quill" Award for his new textbook for Hypnosis Practitioners: QUANTUM FOCUSING with CLIENTS – A Ten-Week Protocol for Relieving Symptoms of IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome, co-written with Alan Barsky. The Award was presented at the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA) 18th Annual Hypnosis Conference. Hypnosis has been scientifically demonstrated to be helpful in reducing the symptoms of IBS and can improve the quality of life for the estimated 57 million Americans now living with this expensive, painful and very embarrassing condition. Ellner, an internationally acclaimed hypnosis practitioner and educator, and Barsky, a highly respected hypnosis practitioner in his own right, have developed a Protocol that is designed to help people learn creative, new ways to manage and regulate their bodies’ reactions to stress. According to Ellner, "There is light at the end of the tunnel for the tens of millions of people living with IBS. This simple 10-week protocol is designed to help people take charge of their lives and their health." QUANTUM FOCUSING with Clients teaches Hypnosis Professionals how to help their clients untie the knots in their stomachs. Quantum Focusing is a technique f

Hypnosis, as part of a strategy that exploits the mind-body connection can go a long ways towards relief of IBS and similar ailments. However, make certain you have a medical check first and that you get a referral from your doctor for your hypnotherapist. Folks like myself, who belong to reputable hypnosis societies, will not work with medical issues without a referral. However, once the referral is in formalized, the work often goes wonderfully, particularly when using protocols that get to the root of the issue and provide stress and other relief in addition to suggestive therapy for the symptoms.