Hollywood Myth Versus Reality . . . Hypnosis

Up and Coming Magazine has a piece by Brian Dukes on how Hollywood myth clashes with reality of modern hypnosis. A few nice points all through the piece.

Retrain Your Brain Whether it’s trying to lose weight, stop smoking or to instill confidence, hypnosis is fast becoming an alternative method for changing lives, according to Hampton. "All you need to do is retrain your brain to think differently and your life will change just like that," he said. "There’s a quote from Aristotle that really holds true: ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.’ And that’s so true – repetition is the mother of skill, and when you train your brain to, repeatedly, think differently, you’ll create new, and healthier, habits. It’s all in your mind, and it’s all within yourself to accomplish."

Worth a looksee.