DRTRC . . . upgrades

I have finally got an upgrade to the server for the DRTRC (Deep Relaxation Trigger Response Conditioning) site.

So, those of you who have been getting umpteen million 404s while trying to get to the MP3s for that and the guided imagery mp3 site should now be able to get the files without too much of a problem.

While the server is better than what it was, it’s still not a good idea to play the files streaming from the web. Please download them to your own machine and play them there. I create these files with my own time and share them with you without charge, so please respect my bandwidth.

For those of you who don’t know what the DRTRC files are about, they are deep relaxation trigger response conditioning files. In a nutshell, the process combines elements of both behavioral and cognitive psychology. The basic conditioning file combines five rather different inductions sequences to guide you into deep relaxation and then throws in some conditioning protocols that make a particular word a trigger for an automatic relaxation response. The trigger-response cycle is repeated and compounded to strengthen it. Folks who wish to learn deep relaxation, not simple or light relaxation but a deep state of relaxation coupled with trance that is far more restful and helpful for folks who wish to enhance their ability to deal with stress and those who wish to use other aspects of trance states to their advantage.

You should listen to the conditioning files daily – the more often the better, but we all have only so much time in the day. After you’ve tracked your progress, you can listen less often but be sure to practice the trigger response pattern often in order to keep the skill active and to compound or stengthen its effects.

The DRTRC site also has my DTM files which are my Deep Trance Modelling files that are based upon the priniciples of associated visualization awareness and modelling. In essence, they are examples of a project for a type of streamlined Deep Trance Identification process I am developing. This process is used primarily for learning new skills – physical skills work best but some folks have used it for some rather esoteric processes as well. Basically, within deep trance you imagine someone performing a skill you wish to emulate and then imagine associating yourself into the person you are imagining so that your body and mind physcially and completely associatively feel the movements of the process. A number of very reputable studies have shown that this sort of active imaginative association and visualization increases skill learning and performance exponentially above non-visualizing methods. I have seen some very wonderful skill improvement with folks using the process in conjunction to hypnotherapy and the like and others have reported some excellent results gained via listening to the files alone.

For any of the files on my free sites, please do send in feedback and let me know your successes. Occassionally, I will create an experimental MP3 for the archive based upon a request from someone who has been a regular listener of the files and contributed regular feedback of a substantial and helpful nature. Heck, I’ve even done a very special request file of a very unique and rather curiously wonderful type I had never come across before for someone who contributed a number of fansigns as she asked nicely and her fansigns were particularly of the wow variety.

I keep the files in my free areas for now as the feedback helps me develop and test new approaches. Eventually, I will use the feedback to tweak and modify the approaches and offer some improved processes for sale, but for now I use those in my clinical hypnosis work with clients or in my workshop or seminar sessions.

I appreciate the positive and helpful feedback.