The Taipei Kid: Hooters

The Taipei Kid has been eating at Hooters:

It has been a long time since I’ve been to Hooters. It was packed last night, packed with both foreigners and locals–tons of businessmen, couples, families, and, inexplicably, gay men. Unlike other Hooters, the draw in Taipei is actually the food, tasty, but very expensive food. As many out-of-towners have asked, “Why do they call it Hooters? Most of them are A cups.” I, however, would like to think that each woman is beautiful in her own way, and that the shorts the waitresses are wearing are so skimpy it more than makes up for other areas.

I don’t know . . . when gay men start going to a Hooters, it makes me think there may be something wrong with how they’ve hooterfied the place. We’ve only been there a couple times and it’s been a looooonnnggg time but the comment about A-cups is pretty fair, albeit the local waitress population isn’t exactly heavy on C or D types. Perhaps we’ll give ’em a go again . . . but I do recall the food being a bit pricy.

You can find more about the local Hooters here.

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