Kaye Takes the Silver

Kaye Plays Flute

My daughter, Kaye, took second place in the Soccer Competition for her grade. The object of the competition was to make the most goals. She was happy with her performance but evidently the kids were a little upset about the way the finalists for the boys were determined as there was a tie and the judges arbitrarily decided upon ranking, awarding second and third place randomly . . . the kids felt the third place boy was a bit ripped off that way.

Pictured here, Kaye is performing as part of a school wide music presentation. Her class performed a flute ensemble. Evidently, only the upper classes were able to do piano pieces (Kaye’s best instrument is the piano which she is quite talented at; she also plays accordian for the school band . . . she has a real love of music and is often asking to learn this or that instrument).

For more updates on the Life of Kaye, go to my Fotki pages devoted to her as I have just updated the directories with more, more, more . . . the life of the doting father.

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