Good News and Bad News . . . Testicle Nonfun

As you know from my earlier posts on the subject . . . Attack of the Pain-Wielding Testicles . . . Again . . the Third Time is NOT a Charm . . . I have been having a bit of a bout with the thrills of testicular pain for some time.

Well, the good news . . . I won’t be having my third surgery. Yeah. The bad news . . . there’s nothing else to do for now but wait and see if it gets better by itself. The doctor did say that given my past surgery history, he isn’t sure surgery would help as it is. So . . . I get to enjoy the pain for a bit longer and see how it goes. He did say that if Mr. Happy Happy Joy Joy starts hurting, I should lie down . . . yeah, right, like that’s going to happen in the middle of a lecture.

I have adjusted my teaching style so I sit in class a lot more than I used to . . . but given the nature of the classes, I still need to move around quite a bit. At least in my adult classes, the chairs have wheels so I can spin around on one of those . . . albeit the students may just think I’m just a bit more than childish wheeling around like an elementary school kid as I do get a kick out of it anyway.

Of course, most of the students don’t notice so it’s pretty much business as usual as it should be. They may think I may not be as happy-happy-chipper as usual but for the most part most are blissfully unaware . . . although I did have one student ask after my health so evidently some have noticed.

In any case, I am still limiting the amount of time sitting at the computer . . . that sucks as there are a ton of things I’d like to get done which I have had to put well on the back burner until I can sit for longer spells.

C’est la vie . . . at least I don’t have to worry about putting Mr. Happy Happy Joy Joy under the knife again.