Tobacco Company Ordered to Pay for Cancer Death

The courts have ordered a payment of much more than previously set for the death of a woman by cancer with a causal link to tobacco.

See for details.

We’ve posted on this topic before but with a more effective hypnosis link. In this case, the woman tried hypnosis but . . . like most approaches she attempted, she failed . . .

“My mom, throughout her lifetime, certainly made — probably, I’d say more than 50 — attempts to quit smoking through various means. I mean, she tried pretty much everything: from the pills, to patches, to gums, to cessation programs, to hypnotism, to group counseling to individual counseling…” Evans said. “So really, I mean, she tried everything within her means to stop smoking and simply was addicted and was unable to do that.”

While hypnosis is the most effective method to stop smoking, there are still folks who fail . . . often they fail when they do not accept the suggestions or there are other factors that encourage them to remain smokers and these secondary gains are not adequately dealt with within the hypnotherapy.

All the best,