DARK KAMELOT Live Action Roleplaying Game for New Year’s Day


An Afternoon of Interactive Drama

directed by
Brian David Phillips and Lorraine Phillips
1 January 2011, 3:00pm

followed immediately by
Pot-Luck Dinner/Game Party
6:30pm-ish to whenever folks leave

join us for costume roleplay fun in a
Dark World of Arthurian Alternate History Weirdness

An afternoon of improvisational interactive drama roleplaying games!
Hang on tight and . . . GAME ON!

The campaign is based upon a series of short flash fiction stories I wrote way back when I was an undergraduate at university in the early 1980s and I have always wanted to revisit the world and interactive drama is such a neat way to do so.

See http://www.interactivedramas.info/tdarkkamelot1.htm for complete information.

– Brian