Show me the money and maybe increase your vocabulary.

So . . . A. pure evil or B. rocks with mouths?

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Parent Company Trap
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

I’m thinking there is a third alternative . . . C. a whole lot of both.

I laughed out loud at the “ignoramous” quote . . . not only is she wrong (well, partly wrong) but it’s very clear that the disembodied voice in the room from the clip also doesn’t know what the word means . . . now, I grew up around plenty of folks who didn’t go to university . . . and nothing wrong with that . . . but, most of those folks knew full well what an ignoramous is.  These are communication professionals so it’s not a big stretch of the imagination to expect that they should know the meaning of a fairly common word.  This is not specialized jargon.

– Brian