Daily Archives: July 16, 2007

Hypno-Orgasms . . .
. . . approaches and mutual delights

This is being cross-posted from Mark Cunnigham’s "Marknosis" list in response to a query on how to guide a lover into an orgasm experience.  See the original post in that group for the full context.  I am merely setting my response here which I cross-posted to the Hypnosis Technique Exchange here . . . I…

Princess Bride turns Twenty . . .

Wow . . . Princess Bride: 20 Yrs. Later . . . take a look at the photogallery. William Goldman’s abridgement of S. Morgenstern’s classic “The Princess Bride” has been one of my favorite novels since I first read it a very many number of years before there was a movie. The movie was a…