Hypnoblogs . . .
. . . shakeup . . .

Regular visitors will notice that the Hypnoblogs blogroll in the righthand column of this blog has shrunk a bit.  As the list was beginning to get a little on the unwieldy side, I have deleted a number of entries.  With a few exceptions, I have removed blogs that are not regularly updated or that have not been updated for an awfully long time, blogs that are predominately just advertising for products or workshops rather than personal or informative, blogs that promote an agenda that I disagree with, blogs run by people who I don’t trust, don’t like, or would not trust to hypnotize themselves out of a paperbag, blogs run by folks who just piss me off for some reason or another, blogs that promote an organization that I would consider best left unpromoted, blogs that are predominately forums rather than blogs, and other blogs that for whatever reasonable or spurious reason I have chosen to remove links to on my pages.

You will note that there are some exceptions to the above in certain pages that are still in the list.  It’s my blog, I’ll do what I want to.

Of course, that still leaves a lot of blogs on the hypnoblogroll for your reading pleasure.

If you run a blog related to hypnosis, NLP, focused trance, hyperempiria, guided imagery, mediative states, or the like that you feel would make a nice addition to the list, feel free to contact me about putting a link up.  While reciprocity with a link to my pages on your pages would be appreciated, it is not a basic requirement . . . although, when the next blogedit comes, those who are kind enough to provide links to my pages are more likely to survive the cut.