Hypnosis in the News

Meta-Study shows Hypnosis Great Adjunct for Medical Treatment

A recent meta-study found that hypnosis works and that there is more than a significant benefit using hypnosis with surgical medical treatment: Hypnosis is a nonpharmacologic means for managing adverse surgical side effects. Typically, reviews of the hypnosis literature have been narrative in nature, focused on specific outcome domains (e.g., patients’ self-reported pain), and rarely…

Yes YOU Can Make Money with US

Did you know you can make extra money with BRIAN DAVID PHILLIPS WAKING DREAMS HYPNOSIS? We have an affiliate program that rewards you when others buy our products at your recommendation. That’s right, if you recommend our product and someone else buys that product via your special affiliate link, then you receive credit for that…

Of Schizophrenia, Dissociation, Out of Body Experiences, and the Rubber Hand Illusion

RM had his first out-of-body experience at the age of 16. Now, at the age of 55, he has had more than he can count. They usually happen just before he falls asleep; for ten minutes, he feels like he is floating above his body, looking down on himself. If the same thing happens when…

INMI or Science of Earworms or Why You Can’t Get That Damned Song Out of Your Head

They go by many names: Brain worms, sticky music, cognitive itch, stuck song syndrome. But the most common (if also the most repugnant) is earworms, a literal translation from Ohrwurm, a term used to describe the phenomenon (and perhaps bring to mind an immediate association with corn earworms). If you’re an academic, you might refer…

Go Ahead and Laugh! It’s GOOD for You!

What we have suspected all along is turning out to be true, even more true than we could have suspected. Seriously, go ahead and laugh, it may save your life! See “Laughing may help ease blood pressure, boost mood and enrich health in other ways” at http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/laughing-may-help-ease-blood-pressure-boost-mood-and-enrich-health-in-other-ways/2011/10/18/gIQAq8Y5CM_story.html for more. – Brian

Multiple Orgasms with Hypnosis? Yes YOU Can!

One thing that most folks who inquire about my various EROTICATRANCE seminars, workshops, and training DVDs is whether or not people really can achieve multiple orgasms via hypnosis. Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes, and so can you. Women and men can indeed achieve orgasm and even multiple orgasm via hypnosis, either as a therapeutic…

America’s Mental Health

Nearly 20 percent of Americans – 44.5 million adults – experienced some sort of mental illness (http://oas.samhsa.gov/2k11/078/WEB_SR_078.htm) over the last year, according to a new report from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Agency (SAMHSA). The report details state by state the percent of the population (http://oas.samhsa.gov/2k11/078/WEB_SR_078.htm) who has suffered a mental illness. “Mental…

Do programs that pay people to lose weight really work?

Lenny Bernstein at the Washington Post writes and inciteful and interesting piece that asks the question “Do programs that pay people to lose weight really work?” (http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/do-programs-that-pay-people-to-lose-weight-really-work/2011/10/06/gIQAiIABbL_story.html). The answer isn’t simple or clearcut but there is definitely promise for many that such programs to work and more and more businesses are opting into new incentive…

Meditation and Prayer: Does It Help Entrepreneurs Succeed?

Cathy Lynn Grossman discusses a fundamental difference between successful entrepreneurs and the rest of us, they are much more likely to practice daily meditatation or prayer: Entrepreneurs behave just like most Americans when it comes to religion — but with one spiritual twist. They’re significantly more likely to pray several times a day or to…

Heal with Hypnosis

Writing for the Deccan Chronicle, Anjali Chawla offers an overview on the healing power of hypnosis: Hypnosis is widely used to treat psychosomatic problems as a very effective therapy. Hypnotherapy has been proved to be very successful in cases of enhancing performance, willpower and confidence as well as treating depression and anxiety. Modern hypnotism owes…

Hypnosis takes Your Mind OFF Chronic Pain

ABC Newcastle in Australia explores the positive connection between hypnosis and chronic pain. A visiting American pain expert says hypnosis can alleviate chronic pain and should be considered a mainstream therapy. Professor Mark Jensen from the University of Washington says pain management for patients, particularly those with long-term illness, needs a considered and holistic approach.…

Improve Health and Well-Being with Hypnosis

From the Mayo Advertiser . . . Stress, anxiety, worry, difficulty sleeping are common concerns for individuals in today’s society. Amanda Walsh at Northwest Therapy and Hypnosis takes an evidenced-based approach, combining the two most powerful and effective psychological therapies, namely cognitive behavioural therapy and clinical hypnotherapy. This integration, referred to as cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy…