Pit of Ultimate Darkness Hypnosis

Over the years, I have met a lot of hypnotists and many of them are very good . . . good in the sense that they’re very skilled hypnotists and good in the sense that they are very morally centered folks. Over the years, I’ve also met a lot of hypnotists who are not good . . . not good in the sense that their hypnotic skillsets suck beyond suckage should suck or not good in the sense that they are overwhelmingly evil pricks.

Sometimes hypnotists are both senses of good and sometimes they are both senses of not good.

This video is supposed to be humor but from my experience there really are folks running around out there who fancy themselves to be hypnotists but who also wish to use their admittedly incompetent powers for less than moral purposes. Of course, I’ve not quite seen this exact scenario play out but I’ve seen pretty close to it:

Still, it’s a pretty funny sketch.

Want to know how to perform real hypnosis of the not not good kind? Check out the training products at http://www.briandavidphillips.com.
