Penis Fun

Getting Started in Erotic Trance

Getting Started in Erotic Trancework
Penis Fun
Brian David Phillips

Originally Published on the Hypnosis Technique Exchange at

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I posted this tongue-in-cheek response in another group and thought I’d inflict . . . er, share . . . it here.

– Brian

— In “kikkyleandro” wrote:

Someone told me that brain waves will make your dick grow ? Is that correct ?

Yes. Here is a simple experiment to demonstrate the effect. Sit in a relaxed position wearing loose comfortable clothing or nude so things aren’t “constricted” when the effect starts. First breathe in deeply and exhale and as you exhale let yourself relax. Take five to seven deep breaths and with each breath out really let go and let yourself feel loose, limp, and relaxed.

As this relaxation increases with each deep breath out, concentrate on the feelings in your penis. With each deep breath feel your body and mind relaxing more and more and with your mind concentrate on the feelings of your penis, deep deeper deeply within your penis. You can continue this exercise with your eyes closed or open but it works much better with a bwgen frequency playing in your ears and your eyes closed to increase the focus of those wonderful brain waves.

Now, breathe in deep, deeper, deeply and hold it for a moment and as your breathe out let yourself go way down, deep deeper deeply relaxed.

With each deep breath out, your body and mind kind of increase in a floaty quality, just relaxing and letting go, drifting deep deeper deeply down down down into a pleasant state.

With each wonderful breath in, feel a pleasant sensation enter through your third eye, as if you’re breathing in energy, just imagine it and let it happen, and let that wonderful energy flow through to your penis . . . just imagine and concentrate on the feelings of your penis. Notice that right now the feelings in your penis have begun to change that right now you have already begun to notice a special difference in the quality of your penis . . . how the blood flow has changed how the feelings have begun to become even more sensitive . . . how as you sit there comfortably relaxed breathing in and breathing out that special quality within your penis begins to grow, develop, become more powerful . . . perhaps you can feel it beginning to rise . . . as you breathe in and out . . . and feel the sensation increase as you notice the way the air feels on your penis . . . the feel of the texture against your penis, especially on the head right now or even just under the head in that special place as the sensitive part of your penis becomes even more energized. Now let those feelings grow as you feel that sensation with each and every breath . . . for the next few minutes . . . six minutes . . . breathing in . . . breathing out . . . feeling your penis change, develop, and grow.

And . . . you may stop . . . now.

So . . . after you have finished all of this exercise you can probably feel a definite difference in your penis. For most folks they feel a definite sensation of growth in their penis, a tingling, an erotic sensation as they sit there breathing in and out thinking about their penises. That’s natural. When men think about their penises in this way, they tend to . . . grow.

He told me frequencies of 30-45 Hz played through a headphone, put over your dick will make it start growing. Is that correct?

Yes. You don’t have to use headphones and it doesn’t have to be 30-45 Hz. You can put any piece of music on . . . preferably something with a lot of bass and a hard beat to it and the louder the music the better for the effect (so headphones might be a good idea so as not to disturb the neighbors) . . . just place your penis next to your speakers (it must be right up on the middle of the face of the speaker, touching the surface where the sound is distributed) and notice how the vibration of the music effects your penis. The blood will flow and things will begin to grow naturally. Of course, for some folks this growth is only temporary . . . you will probably need to repeat the procedure for a month or two at one hour sessions daily.

Be sure to report your results.

This response has been written with tongue planted firmly in cheek . . . I am not responsible for any damage this sort of penis growth procedure may cause to your stereo, your social life, or your reputation.

In all seriousness, there are folks who have reported exceptional penis growth success with hypnosis so self-hypnosis along with bwgen may just help. I have worked with women using hypnosis for breast enhancement and it works very very well (there are plenty of peer-reviewed studies showing hypnosis works well for breast enhancement but up to this date I’ve not seen anything other than individual anecdotal evidence for penis growth but will be recording some results with test volunteers this Summer and will know more then).

We wish you and your penis well.

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Live Trance and Prosper,
Brian David Phillips

Trance Wizard

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